Beach Strand
The Classes
Beach strand classes use a TEACCH approach to learning. TEACCH is a very structured and visual approach which lends its self well to students with an autism diagnose. Everything the students do in class will be backed up with visuals and a familiar routine. We use the strengths of the students to help them succeed and achieve. Our day will involve lots of sensory breaks with short and achievable tasks. The aim is to build up the length of time students can follow an adult lead agenda. Once students are able to follow routines we will then start to support the students to become as independent as possible when completing tasks.
Our Curriculum
"A bespoke curriculum for children with autism and learning difficulties"
Within Beach strand we have developed a structured teaching set up. We use visuals and familiar routines to help them understand the world around them. Visuals offer our students the safety and familiarity they need to be focused and ready to learn. It supports the students to understand what they need to do, where they need to do it and for how long. These are skills that will support our students throughout their lives.
This new curriculum has been designed with the needs of the pupils at the forefront. It is based on these principles:
Pupil needs – our pupils will all have an EHCP which will explain the main area of needs. We use these area of needs to make the curriculum rather than making the pupil fit our curriculum.
Independence – Being as independent as possible is one of the most important goals for our pupils. Everything we do will promote the pupils abilities and enable them to be as independent as possible in all areas of their life, ranging from self help skills to community safety.
Structure and routine - The curriculum provides strategies, activities and opportunities for learning linked to each pupil’s needs. We have many strategies we use to support the pupils needs, these are based around experience and understanding from teachers and specialists such as speech and language and occupational therapists.
To find out more about our curriculum and life in Beach Strand, click on our Curriculum document at the bottom of the page!
Beach Strand Topics- 2023-2024
In addition to those listed above- these are also covered at times.
What helps us stay healthy? What makes up a person’s body. What is the same and different about us? What is special to us? What makes up a person’s identity? What keeps us safe? |
What strengths, skills and interests do we have?
What Jobs people do?
How we can look after each other and the world?
How can our choices make a difference to us and others in our environment?
How can we manage risk in different places?